helping law enforcement protect the community

Do you know what is being done in your community to protect the citizens from crime? Do you have a crime-watch program? Is there a community website that lists the current investigations and events that may have recently occurred? Law enforcement officials can only do so much when it comes to protecting a community. If your community is not active in protecting itself, crime rates could rise and many residents could find themselves the target or victim of crimes. Visit my blog to find out what you can do as a community to lower crime rates and help the law enforcement officials do their jobs.

Have Access To The Help You Need: Why You Should Have A Law Firm On Retainer

Law Blog

If you don't have a law firm on retainer, it's time to make some changes. You may think that there's no need to have a law firm on retainer, but that's not necessarily the truth. Having a law firm on retainer means that you'll have legal assistance at your fingertips whenever the need arises. Here are just four of the reasons you need to have a law firm, like Johnson/Turner Legal, on retainer. 

Know Your Legal Team Before You Need Them

When you're faced with a pressing legal matter, you want to know that you're comfortable with the attorney you're working with. Unfortunately, that's not always easy to do, especially when you don't meet the attorney until you're faced with the legal issue. One of the benefits of having a law firm on retainer is that you have the opportunity to develop a strong, working relationship before any legal matters arise. 

Control Your Legal Fees

Legal issues don't always pop up at the most opportune times. In fact, most of legal problems arise when you least expect them. Unfortunately, that can leave you needing legal assistance that you can't afford at the time. If you don't have a law firm on retainer, you may feel that the only option you have is to represent yourself, which can prove disastrous. However, if you already have a law firm on retainer, you won't need to worry about the upfront fees. You can control your legal fees and have access to the legal assistance you need by having a law firm on retainer at all times. 

Obtain Help for All Your Legal Needs

You never know what type of legal problems you're going to be faced with. If you don't have a law firm on retainer, you could end up hiring attorneys from different firms for each legal problem you come up against. One of the great things about having a law firm on retainer is that you'll be able to obtain assistance for all your legal problems from one centralized firm. 

Avoid Last-Minute Searches

Finally, when you're faced with an emergency situation that requires legal assistance, the last thing you want to do is spend time conducting last-minute searches for an attorney to represent you. If you've placed a law firm on retainer, you can avoid those last-minute legal searches. Once you have a law firm on retainer, all the legal assistance you need will be one simple phone call away.


21 January 2020