Fired After Gender Reassignment Surgery? 4 Steps To Take To Combat The Discrimination

Law Blog

If you were fired after undergoing gender reassignment surgery, you may have been the victim of workplace discrimination. If that's the case, you need to seek legal representation as soon as possible. Employers do not have the right to discriminate against employees based upon their sexual or gender orientation. However, it is important that you take steps to protect your rights. Here are four things you need to do if you believe you were fired due to your gender reassignment surgery.

13 July 2020

3 Small Things You Can Do To Help Your Car Accident Claim

Law Blog

Filing a claim involves a lot more than hiring a car accident lawyer and letting them go to work. Most of the biggest issues in a case will already be present before you've even had a chance to set up a consultation with an auto accident attorney. There are, however, three small things you can do in those early days to give your claim a better chance of success. Accept or Seek Immediate Medical Assistance

5 June 2020

Complications That Can Reduce Or Block Your Personal Injury Compensation

Law Blog

Just because you can prove that someone is liable for your injury doesn't mean that you will automatically get your full compensation. Below are some complications that can decrease your compensation or even block it altogether. Statute of Limitations The statute of limitations determines how long you have to file your personal injury case. Depending on the nature of your injury, the counting may start: From the date of your injury From the date you discovered or should have discovered your injury From the date you reach the age of majority (in cases where the injury occurred when you were a minor) For example, the statute of limitations for auto accidents in Connecticut is two years.

29 April 2020

3 Tools to Incorporate Into Your Estate Plan

Law Blog

If you have yet to begin working on your estate plan, you should not wait any longer. It does not matter how old you currently are. Having an estate strategy is essential. If you need assistance with your plan, you can receive help by visiting an estate planning attorney. Your attorney might suggest starting your planning by incorporating the following three tools. Last Will and Testament One of the most common tools used in estate planning is a last will and testament.

25 March 2020

What You Need To Do If You Have Been Charged With Possession Of Cannabis

Law Blog

Even though more and more states are legalizing the medicinal use of cannabis and some are even legalizing recreational use of it, not all states are there just yet. Also, it is important to remember that even if you are in a state where it is legal to use cannabis for recreational purposes, it is still federally illegal. All of this is making it hard for people to trust when and where they can use cannabis unless they are taking the time to learn about the state and federal laws surrounding the use of and possession of cannabis.

24 February 2020

Have Access To The Help You Need: Why You Should Have A Law Firm On Retainer

Law Blog

If you don't have a law firm on retainer, it's time to make some changes. You may think that there's no need to have a law firm on retainer, but that's not necessarily the truth. Having a law firm on retainer means that you'll have legal assistance at your fingertips whenever the need arises. Here are just four of the reasons you need to have a law firm, like Johnson/Turner Legal, on retainer.

21 January 2020

Cosmetic Surgery And Medical Malpractice: Common Faqs

Law Blog

Medical malpractice claims are some of the most complicated types of personal injury claims, and hiring a medical malpractice lawyer with ample experience is important. However, if you will be filing a claim due to what you believe to be botched cosmetic surgery, finding a good lawyer becomes even more important. Here is a look at some of the most common questions people tend to have about cosmetic surgery and medical malpractice claims.

16 December 2019